The solution: reusable instead of single-use!
CircON offers reusable solutions for the disposable packaging segment in cinemas. Using a closed loop system, waste hot spots in city centers and the entertainment and catering industry are reduced. The reusable packaging system makes it easy for customers to switch from single-use to reusable and reduces obstacles to sustainable change.
CircON-reusable solutions in cinemas
Step by step towards a circular economy – our offer:
Every movie theater is different!
In order to create a customized offer, we first collect some key data such as the amount of packaging, the variety of packaging and the amount of collection points needed. Our offer includes:
- a detailed examination of the premises for an individual offer
- consulting and project development to get you ready for the reuse-system
- provision of high quality reusable packaging in various sizes:
- Popcorn small & medium
- Nachos small & large
- Cups (0,5L)
- analysis and provision of required collection stations for the reusable packages

Circular economy is coming to the cinema – join in and contact us: contact form or e-mail (
Here you can find us already

In the Innenstadtkinos in Stuttgart, 3 cinemas and 7 movie theaters can accommodate more than 1,500 visitors. Popcorn, nachos and drinks (0.5L) are available in CircON reusable containers – a clear sign of the shift towards a sustainable circular economy and a prime example that reusable containers can also work in larger cinemas.
We are proud to contribute to this change.

„NEUES MAXIM“ in Munich – one of the oldest cinemas in Munich has been shining in new splendor since 2016.
In 2 movie halls and more than 120 seats, great movies can be experienced in a living room atmosphere.
Popcorn is available in CircON reusable containers – we are very happy to support the team on their way to a sustainable circular economy.

CircON goes Tegernsee – Since mid-January we have been active with small popcorn, nachos and crunchy crisps in the Kino am Tegernsee in Weißach.
The cinema has ditched disposable cups for some time now, and now even snacks are available in reusable containers.
We are very happy about the cooperation with Kino am Tegernsee and to be able to shape a circular future together, also in the Bavarian foothills of the Alps.
CircON in the press
„Grünes Kino“ reports on the best practice example from Ludwigsburg.

Munich University of Applied Sciences interviewed the founders of CircON.
Why reusable packaging?

The issue: packaging waste
Mountains of waste like this from popcorn and other single-use packaging at the cinema are currently part of everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be this way. According to the Society for Packaging Market Research, the total amount of to-go packaging has increased by about 120% in 3 years. That’s about 281 thousand tons of disposable packaging – every year.
The demand for small portions, hygienic requirements and the number of take-away foods is increasing. This often leads to more disposable packaging and therefore more waste.
The solution: reusable packaging
Reusable packaging offers an ecological and economical solution! In contrast to disposable packaging, reusable packaging is used much more frequently and can thus save resources in production (depending on the frequency of use) and greatly reduce waste. It is often asked whether reusable is really more ecologically sensible because of transport and rinsing. The clear answer is „yes“, reusable packaging becomes „better“ over time, because the more a product is used, the less another (disposable) product has to be manufactured.

Why is disposable paper packaging not an alternative?
In our view, disposable paper packaging is not a good alternative for snack packaging, as it unnecessarily uses up natural resources. In the EU, for example, 50% of virgin fiber is used for packaging (source). We think that wood and other natural resources and land should be better used for durable wood-based materials.
#manufacturing & use
The manufacturing process of paper is energy- and water-intensive, and the associated recycling is also resource-intensive. The use can make sense if the product is used over a longer period of time or several times. However, in most applications this is not the case and use is limited to a few hours (e.g. popcorn packaging).
Often, disposable paper packaging is coated with a plastic layer that makes recycling almost impossible. Uncoated paper, which is often tainted with grease and oil, can make recycling difficult, depending on the degree of stains. Depending on the disposal company, light grease is not an obstacle for a recycling plant, but in the case of food residues, the packaging would have to go into the residual waste. From practical experience, however, it quickly becomes clear that in the case of larger quantities of paper packaging in movie theaters it is seldom possible to meticulously separate the packaging thus often ends up in the residual waste.
#reuseable packaging as a solution
A more viable alternative is therefore reusable packaging, like CircON’s, which can be reused over 500 times. Reusable packaging is generally more sustainable than paper or cardboard packaging, as it can be used multiple times and is easy to clean. The number of cycles in reusable packaging reduces the consumption of resources in the production of new packaging. Further, transport is usually more environmentally friendly if it is designed in a decentralized and regional manner, as is the case with CircON’s system.
Legal requirements
This is also supported by the government: as of January 01, 2023, there will be a „reusability requirement“ within the framework of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG 2).
Consumers should be able to choose between single-use and reusable packaging, i.e. final distributors must offer reusable alternatives. The choice is intended to reduce consumers of single-use packaging. The following details apply:
- Food and beverages for immediate consumption that are offered in single-use plastic packaging or to-go cups must also be offered in reusable packaging as an alternative from January 1, 2023.
- In this context, the final distributor may not offer the sales unit consisting of the product and reusable packaging at a higher price or on worse terms than the sales unit consisting of the same product and disposable packaging.
- In addition, end consumers must be made aware of the option of reusable packaging at the point of sale by means of information boards or signs.
- Exceptions apply to final distributors with a sales area of up to 80 square meters and up to five employees.
- When selling through vending machines, distributors can also offer to fill goods into containers brought by consumers.
Our contribution
We at CircON would like to contribute to a functioning Circular Economy landscape, which is why we would first like to create smooth, robust and environmentally friendly systems in movie theaters, so that cinema operators can focus on their core business: showing amazing movies, making tasty popcorn and a good time at the cinema.
Reusable packaging is not the only building block; new infrastructures, partnerships, networks and offers have to be created. Often users have to get used to new processes, instead of simply throwing the packaging into a trash can, it has to be taken to a collection station to be rinsed and offered again.
Are you interested in reusable solutions? Then simply contact us via the contact form or via e-mail (